I was bending towards the Yankees winning the ship this year big time, because their lineup was back and better than ever. Along with their pitching. Top to bottom on paper, they were the best team cash could buy. It goes to show you money won't always win you championships. Their championship last year was still boring as hell, but seeing them lose just felt unreal. Nothing like seeing people who completely expect to win it all choke on themselves. Money buys a great line-up, but it won't buy heart and character. The only grinder on that team is Gardner. Hes gotta be traded because he just doesn't belong in New York. Too much purity him him, and too much character.
As much as Major League Baseball wanted and needed the Yanks to win, this is what baseball is all about. I hope the viewers lost in the World Series will come around and realize whats on the line for this Rangers team, and it's impossible to not root for them. Everyone knows the Hamilton story along with Young being there for 200 years, but you can't look past what the team is doing for Texas. They've never seen a World Series. It isn't 86 years but it's long enough.
Now look onto Oswalt and Sanchez squaring off tonight. Another unreal game happening. I'm still taking the Phills in this series, and I know I can be proven wrong like I was with Texas but if the fightin Phils can pull it off tonight there's no way game seven is going to be lost. Pushing a game seven with Philly being hot into the ship backs my champions still. They're still not impressive but when they bust out of their mini slump look out. All in all, baseball at its best in both LCS's.
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